آمنت بالله و ملائكته و كتبه و رسله و اليوم الاخر و القضاء و القدر خيره و شره . من الله تعالى . والبعث بعد الموت حق
أشهد ألا إله إلا الله و أشهد أن محمدا عبده و رسولهAmantu billahi wa malaikatihi wa kutubihi wa rusulihi wal-yawmil-akhiri wa bil-qadari khayrihi wa sharrihi minallahi taala wal-ba’thu ba’dal-mawti haqqun ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh.
آمنت بالله و ملائكته و كتبه و رسله و اليوم الاخر و القضاء و القدر خيره و شره . من الله تعالى . والبعث بعد الموت حق
أشهد ألا إله إلا الله و أشهد أن محمدا عبده و رسوله
The oral expression of Amantu is as follows:
Amantu billahi wa malaikatihi wa kutubihi wa rusulihi wal-yawmil-akhiri wa bil-qadari khayrihi wa sharrihi minallahi taala wal-ba’thu ba’dal-mawti haqqun ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh.
There are 6 fundamentals of belief in Amantu; they are as follows:
1. To believe in Allah,
2. To believe in His angels,
3. To believe in His books,
4. To believe in His prophets,
5. To believe the Day of Judgment (life after death),
6. To believe in destiny (qadar), that the good and the evil are from Allah.
Its meaning is as follows:
1. Amantu billahi: I believed in the ONENESS of ALLAH/ ALLAHA inandim/ Ich glaube an ALLAH/ Ja vjerujem u Allaha
2. Wa malaikatihi: also his ANGELS / Ve MELEKLERINE/ SEIN ENGEL/ i meleke
3. Wa kutubihi: also his BOOKS / Ve KITAPLARINA/ SEINE BÜCHER/ i Knjige
4. Wa rusulihi: alos his PROPHETS/ Ve PEYGAMBERLERINE/ SEINE PROPHETEN/ i poslanike
5. Wal-yawmil-akhiri: also his DAY OF JUDGMENT/ Ve AHIRET GÜNÜNE/ den TAG DES GERICHTS/ i Sudnji dan
6. Wa bil qadari khayrihi wa sharrihi minallahi taala: the DESTINY, that everything that seems as GOOD or EVIL to us take place through the knowledge of ALLAH/KADERE HAYIR VE SERRIN ALLAHU tealnadan olduguna / die VORHERBESTIMMUNG vom GUTEM und BÖSEN durch ALLAH den Höchsten/ i vjerujem da sve što biva, biva sa Allahovom voljom i određenjem
Wal-ba’thu ba’dal-mawti haqqun: alos in life AFTER DEATH (All of them are TRUE/RIGHT )/ Öldükten sonra dirilmek hakktir/ das LEBEN NACH DEM TOD/ i proživljenje
Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh: I witness that there is no god but Allah and I witness that Hazrat Muhammad is his slave and messenger./Allah’tan baska ilah bulunmadigina ve Muhammad saw. in de o’nun kulu ve elcisi olduguna sahitlik ederim/ Ich bezeuge, dass es keine Gottheit außer Gott gibt & dass Muhammed saw der Gesandte Gottes ist./ Svjedočim da je samo Allah Bog, Jedan i Jedini i svjedočim da je Muhammed Njegov sluga i poslanik.
The oral expression of Amantu is as follows:
Amantu billahi wa malaikatihi wa kutubihi wa rusulihi wal-yawmil-akhiri wa bil-qadari khayrihi wa sharrihi minallahi taala wal-ba’thu ba’dal-mawti haqqun ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh.
There are 6 fundamentals of belief in Amantu; they are as follows:
1. To believe in Allah,
2. To believe in His angels,
3. To believe in His books,
4. To believe in His prophets,
5. To believe the Day of Judgment (life after death),
6. To believe in destiny (qadar), that the good and the evil are from Allah.
Its meaning is as follows:
1. Amantu billahi: I believed in the ONENESS of ALLAH/ ALLAHA inandim/ Ich glaube an ALLAH/ Ja vjerujem u Allaha
2. Wa malaikatihi: also his ANGELS / Ve MELEKLERINE/ SEIN ENGEL/ i meleke
3. Wa kutubihi: also his BOOKS / Ve KITAPLARINA/ SEINE BÜCHER/ i Knjige
4. Wa rusulihi: alos his PROPHETS/ Ve PEYGAMBERLERINE/ SEINE PROPHETEN/ i poslanike
5. Wal-yawmil-akhiri: also his DAY OF JUDGMENT/ Ve AHIRET GÜNÜNE/ den TAG DES GERICHTS/ i Sudnji dan
6. Wa bil qadari khayrihi wa sharrihi minallahi taala: the DESTINY, that everything that seems as GOOD or EVIL to us take place through the knowledge of ALLAH/KADERE HAYIR VE SERRIN ALLAHU tealnadan olduguna / die VORHERBESTIMMUNG vom GUTEM und BÖSEN durch ALLAH den Höchsten/ i vjerujem da sve što biva, biva sa Allahovom voljom i određenjem
Wal-ba’thu ba’dal-mawti haqqun: alos in life AFTER DEATH (All of them are TRUE/RIGHT )/ Öldükten sonra dirilmek hakktir/ das LEBEN NACH DEM TOD/ i proživljenje
Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh: I witness that there is no god but Allah and I witness that Hazrat Muhammad is his slave and messenger./Allah’tan baska ilah bulunmadigina ve Muhammad saw. in de o’nun kulu ve elcisi olduguna sahitlik ederim/ Ich bezeuge, dass es keine Gottheit außer Gott gibt & dass Muhammed saw der Gesandte Gottes ist./ Svjedočim da je samo Allah Bog, Jedan i Jedini i svjedočim da je Muhammed Njegov sluga i poslanik.
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